Alcohelp was delighted to have been invited to participate in this year’s Tendring Crucial Crew.
Our work in Schools

We are proud to say that we have delivered our programmes to over 50,000 young people in Essex. Below is a map highlighting the schools we frequently work with.

News and Events

Fines for selling alcohol to underage no longer capped
16 March 2015
Here at Alcohelp, we’re delighted that Magistrates have been given new powers to punish those selling alcohol to children, with fines expected to far exceed the previous cap of £5,000.

Family Drug and Alcohol Courts to go Nationwide
25 February 2015
The Family Drug and Alcohol Court (FDAC), which was first set up in London in 2008 and rolled out to three other areas in 2013, is set to feature in family courts across four other counties.